PHP, which is an initialism for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor, is amongst the most commonly used open-source scripting languages out there. Any site or web-based application built on PHP will run on a given web server on the condition that a PHP module is installed, which makes the language really universal and it’s not surprising that there are a few million servers that support it and 100s of millions of PHP-driven sites running on them. PHP is preferred over HTML because of the fact that it permits you to build an interactive site with heaps of options. A PHP-based community website, for example, will show unique web content to each user in spite of the fact that the URL will not change. In contrast, HTML-based sites are static and the page content itself can be modified only manually. Like any other software, PHP has several versions and the one that was used while creating a specific website must be configured on the server in order for the site to run correctly.