We’ve created several Advanced Applications that are available to you without spending a dime with the USAHosted.Com Control Panel! They’re intended for web designers and for site owners who would like to be in charge of their hosting environment by themselves. It’s easy to make an .htaccess file, change the PHP version for your own web hosting account, alter the php.ini file, arrange different automatic tasks and applications, and more!
All Advanced Applications adhere to the layout pattern in our Control Panel, leading them to be extremely simple to operate.
Hotlink Protection
Secure yourself against bandwidth theft
When you produce original content and articles for your own site, you should guard it from individuals who would like to use it not having your permission. Because of this, we have incorporated a particular defensive software instrument within the USAHosted.Com Control Panel. USAHosted.Com’s Hotlink Protection tool is meant to safeguard all the graphics within your website from being used in any publications without having your consent.
The software tool is certainly convenient, without any setup necessary in the least. All you should actually do is just pick which domain name to defend and initialize the service.
.htaccess generator
Auto generation of .htaccess files
At USAHosted.Com, you will get access to the .htaccess file of your website, to make sure you can make as many adjustments as you want. Incorporating a few lines in the configuration file, you’re able to route your website to another web link, or create security password defense for a picked folder, etcetera.
When using the highly effective .htaccess Generator within the Control Panel, you will not need to have any know–how about .htaccess files whatsoever. Merely tell the tool what you would like to perform and for exactly which web site, and after that click the Save button. Our intelligent system will generate the .htaccess file to best suit your specific needs in seconds.
IP blocking
Block out harmful IPs out of your site
If you wish to stop a spammer from reaching your website, a web troll from your discussion board or, possibly a a pack of IPs flooding your website, it’s best to take advantage of the easy–to–work–with IP blocking tool. It enables one to easily hinder an IP address or, possibly a whole IP range from ever being able to view your site.
Our IP Blocking tool is definitely uncomplicated. What you need to actually do is type in, the IP address (and / or addresses) which you want to bar and press the action button. All the IP addresses you’ve entered can be impeded right away.
PHP configuration
Alter the PHP rules for your site
The USAHosted.Com Control Panel provides you with the choice to immediately alter the PHP release for your account. It’s possible to make a choice from various earlier PHP releases all the way to the most current stable PHP release. We have created an easy–to–use user interface that lets you modify the PHP build as many times as you like. Then the release you’ve selected will be implemented automatically.
Regardless of what PHP version you select, furthermore, you will have complete control on the php.ini file – the PHP settings file for your cloud hosting account. You can quickly revise some of the most preferred options, change the entire php.ini file or quickly revert all modifications as well as set things to their default condition.
Cron Jobs
Develop automated scheduled tasks
If there is something your web site or application should complete day after day, you’re able to automate it by means of a cron job. Cron jobs help you create timetabled tasks, that may be carried out at particular periods. You could set cron jobs to mail you the rank of your respective site every single day or to get rid of temporary files every week so as to liberate disk space in your own hosting account.
Every single cloud hosting pack comes with a specified amount of cron jobs. Further cron jobs are sold whenever you want through the Control Panel.
Password Protection
Simple way to give protection to all your data
If you want to create a place as part of your website that’s visible just to the people you need, it is possible to make the most of USAHosted.Com’s Password Protection instrument. Working with it it’s easy to set up a username and password protected folder which is to be secured and accessible just to you and also anyone else whom you share the login info with.
The directory will be secured quickly and no person else will be able to look at precisely what is inside. You will definitely be the sole individual who will be capable to modify or change it unless you plan to authorize different customers to access it.
URL redirection
URL redirection with a couple of mouse–clicks
In case at any time you decide to direct your website to a different URL, you can do that instantly with the URL Redirection instrument listed inside the USAHosted.Com Control Panel. You do not need to create a separate .htaccess file and address complex lines of code. Everything you need to make is select which domain name to divert and where you’d like it to lead. Our smart system will manage every little thing for you.
And if you no longer need the site re–direction which you have specified, it’s possible to cease it with merely a click.